Tutorial: How To Make Money Online With Neobux

Publicado por Bh sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

Learn How to make money online with Neobux in this tutorial!...


Until recently the idea of making money on the Internet was simply sounded absurd or even dangerous, but fortunately for us times have changed and this is how today we can even shop online and have the assurance that the product will reach the door of our house.

As I write this article, I earned more than $ 250 USD and eye! without spending a single peso.

What is Neobux?
Neobux is a PTC site (Paid To Click) which as its name says users get paid to click on their links with advertising. Why do we pay for clicking? It's easy: there are companies or people who pay to see their ads.

Example: I have a new business and want you to know. My website is www. foo. com Neobux then entered and bought a package of 10,000 clicks for a small fee. This assures me that 10 thousand people will come and see my page, and what we do to win is to click on those ads.

There are many PTC, but beware! few are reliable. In this blog we tell you what they are and you show it with vouchers.

How to collect the winnings?
Most PTC sites marketing, make money orders to their users by means of electronic payment processors like AlertPay, PayPal , Neteller , these are sites are like "virtual banks" where is your money.
There are several ways to withdraw their money, some of these include international transfers from your bank account, money from paycheck to his home, and some of these sites also offer debit cards as an additional service (which must be previously requested), in where your money will be charged and then can be used anywhere that Visa or Master Card received..

How Pagan?
The amount of money that each user gets varies between:

The type and amount of ads you've seen the user.
The number of referrals that the user has.
The number of ad views for your referrals.

Earnings Example

v   User Type: STANDARD (FREE membership default)
Gain of each referral ad viewed $ 0,005 USD
Earnings per ad viewed itself: $ 0.01 USD.

v   Number of ads viewed themselves daily: 4 * = 0.04USD 0.01USD
v   Number of referrals: 300
v   Average daily ad views for referrals: 3
v   Daily gain for referrals: 300 * 3anuncios * 0.005USD = 4.5 USD
v   Profit per day: 0.04 +4.5 = 4.54USD
v   Gain by Month: 136.2 USD
v   Earnings per year: 1642.5 USD

What are referrals? 

Referrals are users who have registered with NeoBux and working for you, look at ads and get their own profits.

I get these referrals?

There are two ways to acquire these references:

v   When you register with NeoBux, this provides a unique link, which serves to be promoted, is inviting friends, family, coworkers, etc. To join and you earn money.
When these users log on NeoBux through their referral link, then every time they see an ad, you will also gain from this announcement, since 0.005USD (for membership STANDARD) to 0.01 (for Gold and Ultimate). The more users sign up through their link, you get more profits.
This road is free because you need not invest a single penny to receive the profits.

v   The other road is referred Income, Referrals are provided by NeoBux rented, the cost of these packages range from 0.07USD references (3 referrals) to 22USD (100 referrals), and the amount of referrals that can be achieved depends rent directly from the type of membership held by each; example: If your membership is Standard then you can purchase a maximum of 300 referrals, referrals for Gold 2000, and the number of references ULTIMATE is unlimited.


4 clicks beams are x day = $ 0.04 per day - 1.2 $ per month.
Made 10 referrals x day = 4 clicks are $ 0.20 per day - $ 6 per month.
100 referrals made x day = 4 clicks are $ 2 per day - $ 60 per month.
Make referrals 1000 x dia = 4 clicks are $ 20 per day - $ 600 per month.

and this is just the beginning .. NeoBux is the limit to 4,000 referrals ..
much would with 4,000 referrals? would be $ 80 per day and $ 2,400 a month, but to be this exact, your referrals have to do your 4 clicks every day.


Once you're registered in Neobux and make your clicks, you can have a referral only when you have 1 month old and at least 100 clicks. Aside from that day you can start inviting other people, but when you get to the $ 0.75 balance, and you can rent referrals will give you more and more profits.
This means that you will not earn much at first, you have to be persistent and very patient. The money you generate to reinvest in rent each time more and more referrals to make the best use possible, but you got also the option to invest if you want to win faster.

Neobux Profiler automatically erased in 3 days if you did not do any click, and cleared in 60 days if made at least one click and then left to do.

Do You Want to Start Making Money Online?
Click in this banner

Where I can register to start earning?

The first step to start earning is sign up at the payment processor of your preferenciaAlerPay, PayPal or Neteller, as mentioned above, is where you send the money you earned.

Once you have registered with any of these payment processors, then you can access by NeoBux this next link .

There will have to complete the following:
Username: The username with which you want to register or nikename.
Password: your password
Password confirmation: re enter your password to verify.
Email: Your email
Alertpay / PayPal Email: here's the email with which you are registered with either of these payment processors.
Birth Year: Year of birth
Verification code: Check Code

When you have correctly filled out this data, click on the green button "Continue", then a confirmation email will be sent to your email.

To log into your account, then clicking on the button "Login" button on the top right of the page.

Then you should complete your registration details and in the field that says Secondary Password is blank.

can I start making money?

Once you have entered your username and password to the page you will see at the top a number enclosed in a green box, there is clicked.

Then opens a window with 4 boxes with a yellow star, you click on the box, then you will see a small picture, then click on it.

Then he opens a window with an ad, please wait while loading the ad completely. 

Then you will see a yellow bar ... this bar is a counter that indicates the time to visit the announcement ... (Around 30 seconds) 

when it is full, you will get a confirmation message that says you've earned $ 0.01USD .... 

After seeing this message you can close the ad, and proceed to the next.To determine the number of daily announcements.
These ads are renewed every 24 hours.

Remember that when you get a $ 2 payment and the request can comeinstantly to your account at paypal, alertpay or neteller.

So you know how to start making money with Neobux! Good Earnings!


1 Responses to Tutorial: How To Make Money Online With Neobux

  1. Anónimo Says:
  2. Thank you for making the honest effort to discuss this. I feel very strong about it and want to learn more. It could be extremely useful and helpful for me and my friends.
    Friv 1


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